What train station is close to macs speed shop
What train station is close to macs speed shop

  1. What train station is close to macs speed shop update#
  2. What train station is close to macs speed shop code#
  3. What train station is close to macs speed shop Pc#

  • Train accidents, passengers on the rails, trees on the rails - coming soon.
  • More types of passengers: elderly, children - coming soon.
  • Live Events: VIP persons visiting stations worldwide REAL TIME LIVE, football matches and other similar LIVE events happening world wide at the same time for amazing Achievements and ingame income.
  • what train station is close to macs speed shop

  • New Objects and Facilities: train restaurant, new objects - added ✓.
  • Station Evacuations first tests - testing ✓.
  • More Cargo features coming - lifters and trucks - added ✓.
  • Out Of Memory issue solution - resolved ✓.
  • Pause Mode with Statistics on most objects - added ✓.
  • Advanced psgs' AI: find ticket/vending machines easier - added ✓.
  • I cannot tell an exact date when the migration will be finished and all the new features will also be ready but I am on it and doing as much as I can to release the new update. Right now the main sections of the re-code is finished but still I find some nasty bugs every other day with testing.

    What train station is close to macs speed shop code#

    The game works more or less but the code needed enormously big re-designing even to be able to work the same way as it did before this update. Right now the old version is still works but I decided to migrate the game to the new version of this engine and I bumped into a few serious issues during this work.

    What train station is close to macs speed shop update#

    This engine got a very large new update during the time of the development of TSS. Train Station Simulator is being developed using a third party game developer engine. The game is actively developed every day but the main reason this new update takes so much time to be completed is more technical related. Unfortunately I could not finish up all features and find all the solutions for problems in time that is why this

    What train station is close to macs speed shop Pc#

    You might have realized that the last update of the game (especially on PC and Linux) was in Autumn and I have promised a huge update that should have arrived during 2018. "Where the hell is the latest update? I have waited so long!" Thank you guys for all the support in the past and hopefully I can add more and more to Train Station Simulator.ġ. More to be added but I did not make note about all changes so I might add to this list more. menu texts have been simplified: more icons less text arrival passengers only appear to platforms not onto grass - fixed changing to 24hour time layout from 12 hour PM/AM analog and digital time indicator added train graphics code completely redesigned (this will allow adding new train graphics so much faster) missing / non working achievement fixed transportation trolley bus: changed to trams transportation bus: now day and night graphics with door opened / closed menu click areas have been improved (close, or set buttons) maintenance workers can fix kicked machines

    what train station is close to macs speed shop

    floor crack generation has been disabled kicked machines now show "out of order" Train cleaner units, track maintenance service members Upcoming features that was not fully ready for this update: - Train and station disasters and station evacuation

    What train station is close to macs speed shop